
Uzupełnij tekst wyrazeniami z ramki w odpowedniej formie

You must 1 handing all homework and coursework on the date specified by our teacher. Put reminders in your calendar to2. about dates when work must be submitted.

If you find that you 3. with your work, inform your teacher immediately.it is essential that your teacher is aware of any difficulties you are having as soon as possible.
In class, you must 4. and wait for the teacher to ask you to speak. This familiar practice is a way of being courteous to others and must be followed at all times.

You must attend school every day. Students who 5.
will be disciplined and their parents notified. If, after that, students continue to be absent without good reason, they students , they may6. for a period of time.

The day that we 7. usually has fewer lessons, but it is still a school day, and you are still expected to attend school.

Be suspended

break up for the holidays

fall behind
hand in
jog your memory
play truant
put up your hand

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Go Studier: Inne Pytanie