
Jezyk angielski klasa 8 ćwiczenia str.11 cala strona Grammar 1 1 Zakreśl poprawną opcję. 1 My aunt lives in a house that/ who is red and blue. 2 My mum's mum is the grandmother who/-lives with us. 3 London is the city who / which I have visited the most. 4 That's the travel agent's-/ that is advertised on the poster. 5 This is the guide book who/-I used in Spain. 6 Venice is a great city for parents whom / who have young children. 2 Popraw błędy w poniższych zdaniach. W każdym zdaniu jest jeden błąd. 1 My cousin which lives in Peru, loves South American food. 2 Europe is a continent who has countries that include Portugal, Poland and Germany. 3 South Korea, when is in Asia, has many high tech industries and produces goods that sell well. 4 The people greet you very warmly why you go to Australia. 5 We drove carefully around Canada which we visited North America last summer. 6 Africa is a place that I would expect to see wild animals. 3 Wykonaj zadanie w sekcji Skills Booster. Skills Booster Przetłumacz na język angielski fragmenty podane w nawiasach tak, aby otrzymać zdania logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie trzy wyrazy, 1 This is the girl (która pomogła mi) when I joined this class. 2 It was the day (kiedy zrozumiałem) that I loved her. 3 This loudspeaker is great for people (którzy lubią) listening to music. 4 We bought a house (który jest) in the forest. 5 Ania fell in love with the puppy (który wspiął się) on her lap. Take a Break 1c 4 Połącz zdania, używając who, which lub that. Jeżeli zdanie jest poprawne bez zaimków, weź je w nawias. Wypisz wszystkie możliwe opcje. Example This is the puppy. We got him last week. This is the puppy (which/ that) we got last week. 1 Here's a photo of a holiday resort. We both thought it looked great. 2 We were lucky to have a tour guide. He lived right next to the castle. 3 Have you met the new girl? I told her about your party. 4 That's the hotel. We stayed there last year. 5 I have two brothers. They play basketball very well 6 Where is your friend? I gave my book to him. 5 Napisz 3 zdania o osobach, które znasz lub rzeczach, które znajdują się w klasie albo w twojej torbie szkolnej. Przeczytaj zdania na głos w klasie. Klasa zgaduje o kim/o czym mówisz. Example You: This is a boy who lives on my street. Class: Do you mean Grzesiek? 1 2 3


Jezyk Angielski Klasa 8 Ćwiczenia Str11 Cala Strona Grammar 1 1 Zakreśl Poprawną Opcję 1 My Aunt Lives In A House That Who Is Red And Blue 2 My Mums Mum Is The class=