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Write Sentences Using The Prompts And The Expressions in Brackets. 1 I / Buy / The Tablet / Too Expensive. (unless) 2 We / Text You / We / Get Home. (as Soon A
3. 18 Study The Vocabulary B Box Usingdictionary. Choose The Correct Option. Write Theanswers In Your Notebook. Vocabulary B The Lawcourt Fine Judge Law Lawyer
3 Change The Sentence From Active Into Passive Or From Passive Into Active, As In The Example. 0. The San Diego Zoo Was Founded By Dr. Harry M. Wegeforth. D
Napisz O Książce Którą Przeczytałeś W Wakacje. Minimum 8 Zdań
Znalazłeś Ogłoszenie O Pracę I Jesteś Nim Zainteresowana/any. Napisz Maila Do Pracodawcy W Którym: - Napiszesz Skąd Dowiedziałeś Się O Ofercie - Opiszesz Swoje
Complete Sentences A-f With The Correct Form Of The Words In Brackets. Add Any Other Word To Makethe Sentences Correct. You Must Use No More Than Four Words, In
Ex. 4 Complete The Sentences With The Missing Words. 1 It’s A Good Idea To _______________ Your Trip Carefully Before You Set Off. 2 I Usually _______________
Napisz Plan Wydarzeń, Które Doprowadziły Do Wybuchu II Wojny
Zadanie 6. Uzupełnij Tekst Słowami Z Listy. tables/beers/party/meals/drink/tired/pub/taxi/invited/bar A NIGHT OUT Dear Paul, It’s A Shame You Couldn't Come To M
Oblicz A)(0,(03)+4/5):(3/7-0,(12))B) 1-0,(9)+1,(71)
Which Of The Museums Would You Like To Visit Most? Why? 1 - National Museum - Cracow 2 - Copernicus Science Centre - Warsaw.
CWICZEMIE AOdpowiedź Na Pytania 1. 5. Zakreslając Poprawnaodpowiedź A, B, ClubPrzykladWhich Is Not The Name For A Place?A Movement B. City C Town D, Village1. W