4*** Complete each pair of sentences with the same word. Has the vet turned up yet? Poor Mousey is looking pretty ill. Who first came up with the idea of a vacuum cleaner? 1 Come along to my fitness class. I'm sure you'll fit nicely. The woman at the chemist's said I needed to hand a prescription to buy those tablets. 2 Mike's really sad about Molly but I told him to get on his life. How do you cope Robert? 3 I closed the window to keep that cat Did you open it for him? This homework assignment is really stressing me stress at work, 4 I feel fantastic! There's nothing better than a work in the morning. Please keep the children I've got a terrible headache. 5 Jim's really unhappy because Tina broke with him this morning. How do you put He's so unfriendly. of this room. with Doctor Savage? these team instructions 6 Can you go again with me? I don't understand them. I'm still weak because I haven't got the flu yet.