
Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednią formą do wyrażania przyszłości, użyj: will, be
going to or the present continuous.
1 A: What are you doing this evening?
B: Well, we ……….….……………………..…. (go) to a restaurant to try some local
2 A: Do you have any plans for tomorrow?
B: We ……….….……………………..…. (visit) the Prado Museum.
3 A: I’m going to the beach.
B: Wait for me. I ……….….……………………..…. (come) with you.
4 A: Come on, Jenny, it’s 1:30! We ……….….……………………..…. (miss) our flight!
B: I’ll be ready in a minute.
5 A: I ……….….……………………..…. (call) you a taxi if you like.
B: Yes, please. Thank you