Go Studier
Język angielski
Proszę o pomoc w tym zadaniu angielskimprosze
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Go Studier: Inne Pytanie
Write A Menu For The Most Disgusting Ordelicious Meal You Can Imagine. • Think About Some Disgusting Or Delicious Food. • Write A Menu With A Starter, A Main Co
Bilogia Klasa 1 Liceum Zadanie W Załączniku
Complete The Sentences With The Verbs From The Box. Had, Made, Bought, Ate, Sunbatched, Went, Watched, Visited. 1 I've_ Lots Of Souvenirs2 We_ On The Beach All
Napisz O Książce Którą Przeczytałeś W Wakacje. Minimum 8 Zdań
Odpowiedzcie Na Pytania. 1. Do You Think You Waste Food? If Yes, What Can You Do To Change It? 2. Do You Do Any Of The Things Advised In The Text?.
4 Napisz Do Kolegi Pocztówkęz Wakacji, Używając Wyrazów Z Ramki. Safe *amazing * Scuba Diving*boat *dolphins.
Opisz Krótką Wycieczkę Po Angielsku Używając Tych Wyrazów. First. Then. Finally.
3. 18 Study The Vocabulary B Box Usingdictionary. Choose The Correct Option. Write Theanswers In Your Notebook. Vocabulary B The Lawcourt Fine Judge Law Lawyer
Opisz Przebieg Utleniania Komórkowego
4 Complete The Sentences Using The Verbs In Brackets In The Correct Form. 0 If You Get (get) To School Late, The Teacher will Be (be) Cross. 1 If The Sun
4 Choose The Correct Option. 1 By The Time The Ambulance Had Arrived / Arrived, Thewoman Stopped / Had Stopped Bleeding. 2 My Sore Throat Went / Had Gone By The
Odpowiedź Na Pytania 1 I Think One Day Humans Will Travel To Mars. (What Do You Think? Why?)2 I Don’t Think Someone Will Invent Teleportation In Twenty Ye