
2★★ Complete the sentences with the words from exercise 1.
1 Would you like to come to Zoe's____ exhibition?
2 Don't believe everything you read on the Internet - a lot of it is_____
3 Have you ever bought something because it was recommended by an______
4 I think ____care good idea if you have to make a long journey.
5. ______ is such a waste of talent - why don't those people use their skills for something creative?
6. Procent your ______ by only using encrypted sites.
7. ______can cause so many problems for the people affected - you have to change all your passwords and bank details.
8 Forget about_______ - even seeing a traditional advertisement for cola makes me thirsty!
9. You need strong business skills to be successful in the world of______
10. ______describes the tastes of average people.​

2 Complete The Sentences With The Words From Exercise 1 1 Would You Like To Come To Zoes Exhibition2 Dont Believe Everything You Read On The Internet A Lot Of I class=