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A Positive listener attitudes
B A big fall in radio advertising
C An inexpensive option
D Losing first place
E Listeners’ complaints
F radio advertising is going up

1 __
Since its beginnings in the early 1900s, radio has lived through two bad moments when it seemed it would no longer have the position of leading mass medium. The Golden Age of radio, when radio advertising was enough to sponsor whole programmes, ended with the age of television. When the Internet became more and more widespread at the end of the 20th century, some people believed that would bring an end to radio advertising.
2 __
Despite those pessimistic predictions, radio is doing well enough to attract a large number of advertisers nowadays. Although the figures are better for television and the Internet, recent research has shown that the number of radio advertising orders has been growing steadily over the last decade.
3 __
The increase in radio advertising is caused by the fact that radio is a very special type of mass medium, as most listeners create a kind of private relationship with their favourite radio station. They can listen to it for most of the day because it does not distract them from their duties. What is more, almost 80% of regular radio listeners in the USA have said that they are not annoyed by radio commercials, because thanks to them they can listen to radio broadcasts for free.
4 __
Probably the biggest advantage of radio ads is that compared to TV commercials and web advertisements, they are quite cheap. The production of a professional-sounding commercial requires very basic audio equipment. The low costs of producing a radio commercial also mean that it can be broadcast a lot of times during a short period of time, so it is quite likely to be remembered by the listeners.

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