a table. Complete the sentences using the correct present perfect tenses and past modal verbs of deduction. 1 X Why are you so tired? Y I. 2 X 4 X 1 X Y I sure hope so! the past 90 minutes. You 1 3 X Why (do) cardio exercises for (burn) a lot of calories. yesterday. Y I'm not sure, but Granny (take) it. She has a similar one and she left in a hurry yesterday. disappear)? (see) my scarf? (look) for it since (all the biscuits / (you / put) them away somewhere? Y No, I haven't, but Sammy was sitting in the kitchen all morning. X She Y You never know... She does like them ... (eat) a whole packet! (wait) for the sales report (you / finish) for a week now. it yet? Y What report? You never told me to do it. X Really? Oh God, I And I need it for tomorrow! (forgot). Y It's just a guess, but you (give) it to Tom. He (write) three reports this week, maybe one of them was the sales report for you?