
Odpowiedz na pytania po angielsku bez tłumacza gogle.
1. Describe your best friend
2. Why do people need friends?
3. Do you like wearing fashionable clothes? Why/ Why not?
4. What kind of person are you?
5. Why do people get divorced?
6. How would you describe your style of dressing?
7. What stresses you the most?
8. How do you relax?
9. What would you like to change about yourself?
10. Do you sometimes get angry? When?
11. Do you get on well with other people? Why?
12. Describe a situation when you got angry with someone.
13. Which is more important- looks or personality? Why?
14. How can we make a good impression on other people?
15. Do you agree that attractive people have easier lives?
16. Why is it important to look elegant in some situations?
17. Tell about a situation you felt scared or excited.
18. What outdoor hobbies are popular with teenagers in Poland? Why?
19. Is playing computer games a healthy hobby? Why?