
2 Complete the sentences with the missing words.
The first letters are given. There is one space for each
missing letter.
0 I’m really not looking forward to w r i t i n g my
d i s s e r t a t i o n. It’s the most important
assignment you have to do at university and I’m
not very good at writing.
1 The doctor gave me such a big pill I could hardly
s _ _ _ _ _ _ it.
2 I must admit that it wasn’t my idea. Jack was the
b _ _ _ _ _ b _ _ _ _ _ this whole plan.
3 My grandmother has a m _ _ _ _ _ like a s _ _ _ _.
Yesterday she forgot to lock her front door and
today she left her glasses on the bus!
4 The interviewer made me f _ _ _ at e _ _ _ by
starting with easy questions and smiling a lot.
I think that helped me to get the job.
5 It’s OK, I heard you l _ _ _ and c _ _ _ _. You don’t
have to keep repeating it!