
4 Read the LANGUAGE FOCUS. In your notebook, form appropriate adverbs from the adjectives in bold in sentences 1-6 below. Then put the words in the correct order to make sentences. LANGUAGE FOCUS Adverbs * You use adverbs to modify verbs, adjectives and other adverbs. You form adverbs by adding ly, y, ily to adjectives: slow slowly, unbelievable unbelievably, lucky => luckily Note: Some ady and adjectives have the same spelling: hard fast, late, early He is a fast run Me runs fast * You never put an adverts between a verb and its object. VERB OBJECT He speaks English well. NOT He speaks well English * Use adverbs of degree to modify adjectives and adverbs a little/a bit/slightly She's a little shy quite/rather/pretty My French is pretty bad. •You form comparative adverbs with more: Alice speaks more clearly than John. Note: Some comparative adverbs are irregular well->> better, badly worse, hard=> harder really/extremely/completely Everybody goes to bed really early 1 go to bed /1/ at the weekend/real late 2 eat /1/ quite healthy SCAR 31/ my money/wise / spend 4 extreme easy/ new words/leam/1 5 pretty fast/drives / My father/his car and/My parents/1do/English/than / good​

4 Read The LANGUAGE FOCUS In Your Notebook Form Appropriate Adverbs From The Adjectives In Bold In Sentences 16 Below Then Put The Words In The Correct Order To class=