
6* Correct six mistakes in the story.

This is a story about two friends which fell out over

money. The two friends, who names were Duncan and Serge, met themselves in the town centre. Duncan suggested going for a coffee, and Serge thought it was a good idea. The café that they went to was small and very crowded, but they waited for a few minutes and some other customers left, so they sat down. Serge ordered him a large coffee and a big piece of chocolate cake, but Duncan only wanted a small coffee.

They sat and laughed and talked about people they both knew until it was time to go home. Duncan took out £1, that was the price of his coffee, and called the waiter. Before the waiter came with the bill, Serge thanked Duncan for inviting him for coffee, said that the cake had been delicious, stood up and left. Duncan had to pay £6.50! When he got home, he phoned a different friend. 'I wanted to buy me a T-shirt, but I didn't have enough money after paying for Serge's coffee and cake!"