
Book Worms


Isabella Milbank

People often comment that I've always got my head in a book. I just find that reading is such a great way to pass idle moments; when I'm on the bus or in a doctor's waiting room, for example, or whenever I have a spare minute, really. I'll read almost anything, but on the whole, I tend to go for books that a friend has recommended or that have had a positive write-up in a newspaper or magazine. That way, you're almost guaranteed to get a good read. And I guess I'd have to say that my favourite kinds of books are modern crime thrillers. I just love it when the plots are really cleverly constructed, especially when you can tell the author has thoroughly researched how modern police work is carried out. Then, you get into it more easily because you feel like you're reading about something that really happened. The very best ones are those that keep you guessing right up until the end. It's so disappointing if you manage to work everything out half way through.


Emily Hawthorne

I used to read a lot of romantic novels, but I guess I sort of grew out of them. Now, I'm hooked on biographies. I've read about so many different kinds of people: historical figures, politicians, celebrities, you name it. They're all interesting in their own way, but when I'm not in the mood for anything too heavy, I just go for something more light-hearted: the gossip and scandals of the rich and famous, for example!

I enjoy autobiographies, too, but I sometimes wonder how true a picture they actually paint. I mean, when you're writing about yourself, it must be tempting to leave out anything that shows you in a bad light. You're probably more likely to get a more rounded picture of the person by reading a well-researched biography.


Ian Reed

I don't usually read purely for entertainment; I guess it just feels like a waste of time to me. But what I do enjoy reading are books that I think I can learn something from. You know, non-fiction books about historical events or current or political issues like the environment, for example. I realise these kinds of books aren't everyone's cup of tea, but it's a shame that more people don't give them a try. I admit that in the past they, could often be a bit tricky to read, but that has all changed now. These days, plenty of them are written in quite an entertaining style and in a language that any reasonably educated person can comprehend. You can learn an incredible amount about the world by reading those kinds of books.


Henry Crawford

I most enjoy reading when I know I can sit down for at least a couple of hours without being disturbed. Sunday mornings are the best time. I guess some would say that I read a fairly narrow range of books. I do read the occasional modern novel, when something particularly catches my attention, but generally, I prefer the classics, by authors like Dickens and Eliot, for example. They are both wonderful, of course, but in my opinion, no one compares to Jane Austen!

People are often surprised when I tell them that Jane Austen is my favourite author because they think she only wrote romance novels. Her books do deal with love and marriage, but on the whole, they're actually more about general relationships and human nature. And they're hilarious at times, too, which makes them incredibly entertaining to read. I've read all of her books, some of them several times over. They are like old friends you need to meet up with every once in a while!

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