
Complete the social media post and comments with expressions in Ex 1 and 2. Then think about which comment you agree with most and why.

Hey, guys. This year, I'll ¹_____________ and in the summer I'll leave school. The problem is, I can't decide what to do next. What's your advice?
Right now, keep studying. If you ²___________ ,you'll have some qualifications and that means you have choices. If you enjoy studying, why not ³___________? If you ⁴__________ and go to another town to study, this is usually when you have to ____________ for the first time. It's a good idea to ________________ and check it regularly, so you know how much money you have.
If I were you, I'd start working as soon as you leave school. If you do that, you can ____________ rather than living with your with parents. You can ________________ with friends, or live on your own. Some jobs involve driving, so try to _______________ as soon as you can. If you don't want to work for someone else, you can always _____________
Why not take a gap-year? A lot of people travel after they finish school, so you could _____________ If you wanted to work, I'm sure you could ______________ teaching English, or working in a restaurant or hotel. If you didn't want to travel, you could _____________,or do some volunteering.​